Site announcements

Thanksgiving Luncheon

by Ana Gonzalez -
Dear Students,
We’re excited to invite you to our annual Thanksgiving luncheon on Thursday, November 21st, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM (Day Students) and 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Evening Students). RGV College will be providing the main course (turkey, corn, mash and a roll), and we ask that students contribute by bringing drinks and desserts. If you’d like, you may also bring additional sides to share. 

Your instructor will dismiss you for lunch based on the scheduled lunch time. Please remember to bring your own tupperware if needed, ROASTERS, SLOW COOKERS OR EXTENSION CORDS ARE NOT ALLOWED. 

If you need to reheat food, you may use the microwaves in the student lounge.

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion and enjoying a wonderful time together!
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Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

by Zoila Molano -

Order your free COVID-19 tests at 

4 per Household


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